10:10 AM

Fall Career Fair Oct. 20 & Law Enforcement Participation

On Oct. 20 the Career Center will host its fall Career Fair in the University Student Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Among the many employers participating will be a number of law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Customs & Border Patrol. These agencies are attending in a recruitment capacity and will not be on campus in an enforcement capacity. You may also notice a number of law enforcement vehicles parked in the transit center area on the day of the Career Fair.

Following the spring Career Fair when concerns were raised regarding the participation of U.S. Customs & Border Patrol, CSUSM pledged to provide advance notice to the campus community when these agencies would be on campus.

As was shared with the campus community last month, our University Police Department has a protocol that it will not contact, detain, question or arrest an individual solely on the basis of being or suspected of being undocumented. The complete protocol is posted online UPD & ICE.

  • CSUSM will provide the broadest possible latitude in exercising free speech and expression, even when controversial. Individuals exercising their right to free speech protest should follow CSUSM’s polices and regulations Free Expression at CSUSM.

Questions or concerns regarding the Career Fair should be directed to the Vice President of Student Affairs Lorena Checa.