18:53 PM

Attend Open Forum for Deputy Title IX/DHR Administrator Search

Dear CSUSM community,

I am pleased to announce that the search committee for the next Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Administrator has invited two finalists for virtual on-campus interviews. Open forums will be held for each candidate to allow an opportunity for the campus community to provide feedback. Although I know this is a busy time, I strongly encourage you to participate in this important phase of the search process. We look to you to share your observations of each candidate’s ability to provide leadership for this vital department. The forums will be hosted in a virtual format.

The dates for the finalists’ visits are:

• Holly Hare: Tuesday, Dec. 7, noon-12:50 p.m.
• Michael Salvador: Thursday, Dec. 9, noon-12:50 p.m.

Search page with candidate info: https://www.csusm.edu/title9/recruitment/

The recorded open forums will be available online, along with brief bios of each candidate and online feedback forms.

Thank you,

John Segoria
Chair, Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation Administrator
Director, Disability Support Services