19:32 PM

Apply to Be a Faculty Partner for Democracy in Action

The Department of Civic Engagement is seeking a faculty partner to work with the City of San Marcos on its proposed Democracy in Action project for spring 2022. San Marcos wants to partner with a CSUSM faculty member to conduct a community needs assessment survey on transit ridership in the city. The project pertains to a main goal of the city's climate action plan: reduce vehicle miles traveled. Review an overview of the Democracy in Action program, a detailed proposal from the city and instructions on how to submit your application materials by Friday, Nov. 12 at this link: https://csusm-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/rsmarr_csusm_edu/Ed4-R5quZvBOlmTIlmSTtpQB8K8hy74d9IGGNJtiZF9i_g?e=SXBVar

Email Rochelle Smarr at rsmarr@csusm.edu for more information.