17:04 PM

Rocket Car Race Sparks Interest in Physics

Igniting a passion for science, students from the Society of Physics at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) will host the third annual Rocket Car Race on Tuesday, May 10 at noon on the Cesar Chavez Plaza. Held as a friendly competition at the end of the spring semester, this free annual event invites physics enthusiasts and the public to watch the sparks fly as student built rocket cars, which are powered by hobby rocket motors, accelerate down a guided track in a drag-race style contest. Exhibition cars will also be on showcased at the race."The Rocket Car Race is a fun opportunity for students and faculty alike to use their physics knowledge and do some engineering," said Dr. Stephen Tsui, professor of physics at CSUSM.  "A person building a rocket car has to plan out a design, tinker with tools and materials, and then experiment with the actual car.  And let's face it, who doesn't want to light the fuse and watch that plume of smoke shoot down the sidewalk?"     What:     3rd annual CSUSM Rocket Car Race hosted by the Society of Physics     When:     Tuesday, May 10, 2011 beginning at noon     Where:    California State University San Marcos                   Cesar Chavez Plaza                   333 South Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos                   Visit www.csusm.edu/guide for campus maps and directionsAbout California State University San MarcosCalifornia State University San Marcos combines the ambiance of a mid-sized, personal, modern campus with the unequaled value of the California State University. Since its founding in 1989, the campus has distinguished itself. Students benefit from the latest facilities and equipment, a superb faculty that enjoys teaching, and a rigorous academic program that prepares students for a successful life in and out of the workplace. A recent survey reported that our annual spending in the region was $161 million, generating a total impact of $307 million on the regional economy. Eighty-five percent of CSUSM's alumni stay in the region. CSU San Marcos is located on a 304-acre hillside overlooking the city of San Marcos. It is 15 miles east of the ocean; just 30 miles north of downtown San Diego.